Kit Store Categories

Product categories

Important: This category contains products which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders

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  • Cubs Athletics Activity Badge
    • Cubs Athletics Activity Badge
    • Cubs Athletics Activity Badge

    • £0.70
    • 17 in stock

      Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders

  • Cubs Equestrian Activity Badge
    • Cubs Equestrian Activity Badge
    • Cubs Equestrian Activity Badge

    • £0.70
    • 5 in stock

      Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders

  • Cubs Gardener Activity Badge
    • Cubs Gardener Activity Badge
    • Cubs Gardener Activity Badge

    • £0.70
    • 3 in stock

      Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders

  • Cubs Personal Safety Activity Badge
    • Cubs Personal Safety Activity Badge
    • Cubs Personal Safety Activity Badge

    • £0.70
    • 2 in stock

      Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders

  • Cubs Skater Activity Badge
    • Cubs Skater Activity Badge
    • Cubs Skater Activity Badge

    • £0.70
    • 3 in stock

      Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders

  • Instructors Activity Badge
    • Instructors Activity Badge
    • Instructors Activity Badge

    • £0.70
    • 23 in stock

      Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders