Important: This category contains products which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders
St George’s Cross Full Necker
- £3.00
2 in stock
Swimmer Stage 4 Staged Activity Badge
- £0.70
19 in stock
Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders
Swimmer Stage 5 Staged Activity Badge
- £0.70
26 in stock
Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders
The Campcraft Handbook: A guide to Outdoor Living Skills
- £3.00
3 in stock
Time on the Water Stage 35 Staged Activity Badge
- £0.70
14 in stock
Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders
Time on the Water Stage 50 Staged Activity Badge
- £0.70
14 in stock
Important: This is a restricted item which can be only purchased by registered UK Scout Leaders
Wallingford District Centenary Commemorative Badge
- £0.65
43 in stock
Way Up Fun Badge (Pre 2018 Collection)
- £1.50
4 in stock
Welsh Dragon Fun Badge
- £1.50
2 in stock
Young Leaders Mission Award Badge (Pre 2015 Collection)
- £0.65
3 in stock
Young Leaders Module A Award Badge (Pre 2015 Collection)
- £0.65
4 in stock